Down is an important command for a few reasons; going to the Veterinarians or the Groomers are a couple of examples. Also, down in the first step to teaching tricks like “Roll Over”, Crawl, “Play Dead”, to name a few.
Loading the Marker The “marker” is what tells your dog “YES”, they have done the command correctly. A “marker”, can be the word “YES” or a single click with a clicker.
2. Take 1 treat into your right hand
3. Now in an excited voice say “Yes”
4. Then reward your dog
5. Repeat steps 2-4, from 7-10, times
1. Hold the lure(treat) between your thumb and index finger; hold your hand so the palm of your hand is facing the floor and fingers extended straight.
2. Put your dog in the “sit”, position.
3. Hold the lure just under your dog’s nose.
4. Say your dog’s “name” and “down” as you slowly move your hand from under your dog’s nose straight down towards the floor.
5. Move the treat along the floor away from your dog. Your dog should follow the treat and naturally lay down. When your dog lays down mark, reward, release.
(If your dog keeps standing up; try moving the treat towards him instead of away. Slide the treat towards him between his front legs.)
6. Repeat steps 1-5, about five to seven times; increase the duration of time your dog has to stay down before you release him. Remember only increase your duration 1 to 2 seconds at a time.
7. When you see your dog starting to understand the “down” command, increase the distance from your hand to the floor.
8. Continue to increase the distance until you are standing straight up and using the full hand signal.
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
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